
Hi everyone! 
          	I’m so sorry I’ve been so MIA for so long, I know I’m the past I have said I am updating but I truth, I’ve hit such a writers block the last couple years. I know where I want this book to go, I’m just struggle with how to get it there. 
          	This year though, a goal of mine is to finish this book! 


this book been in my library for a million years waiting for an inevitable update IM STILL HERE 


omg hey queen 


Ahh!! I’m so excited!! I literally can’t express how happy I am! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ


Hi everyone! 
          I’m so sorry I’ve been so MIA for so long, I know I’m the past I have said I am updating but I truth, I’ve hit such a writers block the last couple years. I know where I want this book to go, I’m just struggle with how to get it there. 
          This year though, a goal of mine is to finish this book! 


this book been in my library for a million years waiting for an inevitable update IM STILL HERE 


omg hey queen 


Ahh!! I’m so excited!! I literally can’t express how happy I am! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ


Hi. Ok. So this is my second account. My proper one is @rgslover. Anyways. I have had a lot of my readers ask me to review there books and I thought y not do one better so I have decided to review ppls books but in my YouTube channel to help promote ur books. If you are interested plz pm me on this account xxx 


Hello. I see that many people have already commented about you updating your book- but they were posted 2 years ago, so I thought I’d try again. For my own sanity, please update. Your book is a great book, and it’s the best I’ve read in awhile in regards to how you write. So please, please, update. Thanks :)