
“You okay man?”


( @silentshadowings )     *ೃ༄
            “ i’m not bleeding. the blood is not mine. “


“You look like you’re bleeding.”


( @silentshadowings )    *ೃ༄
            “ i am just fine. why do you ask that? “


“Oh you look like shit… want a cig?” The blonde held out their cig pack to the familiar stranger, though they were in a different alley this time
          [[this is as sweet as they get 


( @satinic- )     *ೃ༄
            “ clearly. well, have fun with your clubbing. i may come inside, i may not. depends. “


            “Man you really don’t understand sarcasm. Well. My cig is almost burnt out so it’s time to go back in.”


( @satinic- )    *ೃ༄
            “ i do not understand sarcasm, just say what you’re thinking instead of making me pity you. “


   “ I actually had a lot of self control today and I think that deserves a reward but the problem now is deciding what that reward will be.”


( @dxstxrdly )    *ೃ༄
            damian stood for a moment, thinking for himself.  “ i can take you to the flea markets, we can look for the jelly beans and then they can be your reward for being sane. “


            “ i am craving jelly beans. but only the tropical ones. and im not buying a whole bag just to pick through them the tropical ones are always at the weirdest stores. like flea markets.. “ 


@dxstxrdly    彡
            “ well, that depends. what would you like it to be? “  he raised an eyebrow at the girl.


"Oh great, if it isn't Mr. no manners. Look, I reckon ya get outta here and not be a bother." the woman sighed, carefully wiping the blood away from her mouth with a deep red cloth.


@vampybites-    彡
            damian lifted an eyebrow, looking down at the body.  “ don’t leave them suffering. what are you going to do with that body? “  he asked, looking at her again.


"Kinda can't just walk away in the middle of my meal, darlin'. I mean look-" she gently nudged the body below her with the tip of her shoe. "They're still movin'! It'd be awfully rude of me ta just leave 'em sufferin'." 


@vampybites-    彡
            he paused for a moment, staring at the girl.  “ i am simply existing, if you wish to be away from me so badly, walk away. “


this message may be offensive
“Oh my gosh gross. What are you covered in?” They paused, lighting up a cig,”just kidding. Tell me it’s jam. I’m not getting caught up in whatever the fuck you’re caught up in. Want a wipe or something? Or is this like aesthetic in your eyes?”


@satinic-    彡
            “ regardless. i must leave you, i cannot leave that.. thing.. alone in there, it may come back to life. “


            “Cause you were looking at me and coming closer. What, am I supposed to just cower into the shadows ? I don’t work like that.” 


@satinic-    彡
            “  well, usually. women and girls don’t take the risk of speaking to a man my height, wearing my dark clothing. they believe i will hurt them. they’re not wrong. what made you want to speak to me? “


“ :c i didn’t mean to spill my coffee on you, really .. it was an accident. :cc ”


@swrenity-    彡
            he watched her closely, his head nodded slowly as he listened to her words. he thought to himself for a moment, wondering how he could comfort her, or just be there for her. he know he hadn’t meant to frighten her, that’s just how he is, though he is a rather intimidating man.  “ is there anything i can do, or anything that i can get you that you need, anything at all, that might calm your nerves? “  he believed he had phrased it right, though it was unsure.
            ;;  he really really does- i feel like for him to be calmer and gentler, he needs to be comforted and loved- 


@mrdqmivn ||
            ( if anything, he’d accidentally made things worse now. she felt bad for being scared, and an odd sense of misery flooded her. misery because she knew, somehow, that he hadn’t meant to be as intimidating as he was, and because she knee her fear wasn’t leaving her. )    “ no no — it’s alright — .! ”    ( she trued so hard to seem un-scared, but it wasn’t working. ) 
            [ i- :C
            i cant wait until she likes him and isnt  scared of him and gives him comfort and love- he needs it- :ccc ]


@swrenity-    彡
            he watched her, ways of how to keep her calm and relaxed running through his mind. though, he didn’t know much about comfort, and didn’t understand how it worked.  “ i apologise for causing you fear, that was not my intention. “  he said, attempting and trying his absolute best to sound calm and supportive, which was failing miserably.
            ;;  what’s sad- if he was needing to comfort or apologise to his parents, he’d beg them for forgiveness- and comfort them so well-


  “ there is a perfect explanation for this mess. i just haven’t thought of it yet but i will let you know when i do. in the meantime don’t /stare/ it’s a little weird. “   


@dxstxrdly    彡
            he glanced at her with a small grin at her comment, folding his arms as he shook his head.  “ what a delightful sight that is. “  he muttered, watching every second of everything that she did, very obviously intrigued. he took a few steps closer as he stared now at the body, his head slightly tilted.


            “ where were you with the last five guys? that would have made things so much easier. sheesh. im about done. this gets even more messy.”  she hums and in her own little world she progressively makes a bigger, bloodier mess with the tools she had on hand to take the man’s eyes and put them in her precious ziplock baggie.


@dxstxrdly    彡
            damian winced at the thought of her taking the eyes from the probably innocent corpse, though it was easy to get over.  “ i shall professionally dispose of the body for you, my family owns a funeral business. we bury ‘ lost ‘ bodies. “  however, the bodies he were referring to were not lost, he and his parents would kill, then bury.


“ .. you’re weird. do you always carry bodies with you.? ” 
          ( the words slipped past narcissa’s lips with ease, voice soft and gentle, almost lulling, three children poking out from behind her too see the tall man who had a body next to him. two boys with dark brown hair stood looking annoyed and bored, the taller of the two almost as tall as narcissa, though she had heels. holding on to the hem of said taller boy’s shirt stood a short blonde, almost a splitting image of her sister except much, much younger, and with shorter curls in her hair. she looked more interested in damian than the three older people, though it was mainly because he was tall. she’d never seen someone as tall. ) 
          [ i know you didn’t ask for anything this time but you love me so heree- <3 ] 


@darlingkiss-    彡
            damian watched them with narrowed eyes as they left, not knowing exactly how to entertain the two children who stayed with him. he looked back down to hebe and quickly nodded his head.  “ don’t worry, i promise. “  he gave her a reassuring smile to let her feel more comforted and to show he actually wasn’t going to tell anybody, as if he had anybody to tell. he let out a rough clear of the throat, folding his arms as he looked around, wondering what he could do. he didn’t expect to come across them today. he was to take back the body behind them, which had only been murdered moments before they showed up, and get it ready for it’s burial. now he seemed more interested in hebe and her siblings to even remember the body was there.
            ;;  foreeevvveeerrrrrrrr-


@mrdqmivn ||
            “ i’m taking a walk. ”    ( both narcissa and atlas said at the same time, frustrating them both more and ending with them both of them turning in opposite direction and leaving. )    “ okayy, bye cissaa, byee attiee.! ”    ( hebe waved them away, bright smile still on her lips. she looked at damian again and giggled quietly. )    “ promisee you won’t tell anyone.? cissa’ll get mad at me for tellin’ and we can’t exactly .. leave if anything happens. so promise.? ”  
            [ noo- not for foreverrr- 
            alsoo- atlas and narcissa arent very smart- :/ ]


@darlingkiss-    彡
            damian looked at hebe, his eyes only slightly widened. it shocked him, yes, but not enough to cause him to have a full reaction, just a small ‘wow’ to show hebe that he was listening. he looked over at morpheus.  “ don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. i’m good at keeping secrets. “  he winked with a small chuckle, immediately looking at atlas once he spoke up. he then glanced towards hebe, then he looked at narcissa, immediately dropping his smile, chuckle and his childlike attitude. he decided to stay silent and just watch them, watching narcissa and hebe mostly.
            ;;  forevvveerrrrrr-


"Woah there, sweetheart! Ya ever slow down and watch where yer goin'?" 


@vampybites-    彡
            “ i will go when i am ready, be patient and the time will come for me to leave. don’t be so demanding. “


"Yer pretty pathetic, ya know that? Now go on, don't ya have somewhere important ta be?"


@vampybites-    彡
            “ if i was joking then i would be laughing. i am not laughing, therefore i am telling the truth. i can be kind, if i have the reason to be. “