
(from: amelia / meli)
          	hello, faithful readers.
          	i want to address you all one last time.
          	when we were here last, lily and i left abruptly. we didn't offer you all an explanation as to why we wouldn't be active anymore, or why your favorite stories of ours wouldn't be continued.
          	i'd like to do so now.
          	lily and i have moved on from the fandom. this isn't to say that we no longer support the casts or films or shows; this means that we no longer find entertainment in our writing when it is centered around the kids. we still love writing, and we still love the casts and films and shows.
          	and we definitely still love the fans.
          	lily and i have made so many friends through this account, as well as our personal accounts (a note will also be uploaded to my personal acc @okayamelia, but i'm not sure if lily will do the same). jade, ginger, ashley, malu, trisha, and any other mutual of ours, thank you for everything.
          	we've accomplished so much throughout our time here. we've been here for just over a year now; we joined april of 2017, and it's now may of 2018. crazy how time flies.
          	i was you all to know how much we love each and every one of you. your comments saved me and got me through some dark times. writing was my coping mechanism, and if it weren't for you all, i don't know where i would be today.
          	i also want you all to know that our books will remain up for all of you to read for as long as wattpad is still alive. everything we've created will stay as it is today, as i write this to you all.
          	this is the end of an era. i will always, from time to time, check up on this account to see how our books and followers are doing. you all have no idea how much this period of time means to me. i met my two best friends here.
          	i was going through some tough stuff when i first joined here, but i have passes most of my hardships with the help of my friends and with my passion of writing.
          	may your hardships end in full bloom, just as mine did.
          	signing off one last time,


(from: amelia / meli)
          hello, faithful readers.
          i want to address you all one last time.
          when we were here last, lily and i left abruptly. we didn't offer you all an explanation as to why we wouldn't be active anymore, or why your favorite stories of ours wouldn't be continued.
          i'd like to do so now.
          lily and i have moved on from the fandom. this isn't to say that we no longer support the casts or films or shows; this means that we no longer find entertainment in our writing when it is centered around the kids. we still love writing, and we still love the casts and films and shows.
          and we definitely still love the fans.
          lily and i have made so many friends through this account, as well as our personal accounts (a note will also be uploaded to my personal acc @okayamelia, but i'm not sure if lily will do the same). jade, ginger, ashley, malu, trisha, and any other mutual of ours, thank you for everything.
          we've accomplished so much throughout our time here. we've been here for just over a year now; we joined april of 2017, and it's now may of 2018. crazy how time flies.
          i was you all to know how much we love each and every one of you. your comments saved me and got me through some dark times. writing was my coping mechanism, and if it weren't for you all, i don't know where i would be today.
          i also want you all to know that our books will remain up for all of you to read for as long as wattpad is still alive. everything we've created will stay as it is today, as i write this to you all.
          this is the end of an era. i will always, from time to time, check up on this account to see how our books and followers are doing. you all have no idea how much this period of time means to me. i met my two best friends here.
          i was going through some tough stuff when i first joined here, but i have passes most of my hardships with the help of my friends and with my passion of writing.
          may your hardships end in full bloom, just as mine did.
          signing off one last time,


hi everyone!! sorry for the lack of updates, there's some stuff going on that we need to get worked through so until then, there will only be updates occasionally!! (except there's a different situation for 'to date a loser' so expect the same amount of updates for that!) 
          sorry again, and thank u for understanding! love you all!