
I know my stories suck, I’m not the best writer. I started this account because I fell in love with writing and upon reading different stories, I wanted to write too. So why am I writing this? I’m creating a new book that I haven’t seen anyone do. So on the safe side, I hope y’all like it. It’s also 18+ some will be 21+ due to alcohol consumption and other reasons. Also bear with me on many things. Work has me super busy and I work for an assisted living as an aide on the main floor 10pm-6am, December I am going 2pm-10pm. I’ll have to find time next month and if I go to the 6am-2pm I’m not going to be able to write until my days off. It’s hard to explain


I know my stories suck, I’m not the best writer. I started this account because I fell in love with writing and upon reading different stories, I wanted to write too. So why am I writing this? I’m creating a new book that I haven’t seen anyone do. So on the safe side, I hope y’all like it. It’s also 18+ some will be 21+ due to alcohol consumption and other reasons. Also bear with me on many things. Work has me super busy and I work for an assisted living as an aide on the main floor 10pm-6am, December I am going 2pm-10pm. I’ll have to find time next month and if I go to the 6am-2pm I’m not going to be able to write until my days off. It’s hard to explain


It might be a while until I update, but I got into a car accident with my mom. Thankfully not that injured. I’m in pain but I decided I’d work (big mistake!! I hurt) my mom however, she has bruised neck, back and head muscles aka whiplash. Yea, it was fun. I’m fuckin traumatized 


this message may be offensive
What the fuck


@theycalledmepenguin this was @theycalledmekay thinking this was her account but Kiwi is just gonna keep this here :)


Here I am on wattpad writing this to my followers…. I have a major problem and I need your help. I work at Smith Dairy Queen in Hallettsville. There is this one old guy who happens to be obsessed with me. It’s bad. Today, my friend/ coworker protected me. He was very nice about it and checked on me occasionally. The old man, whom I have no idea what his name is, was watching me. He kept staring at me. He even got up to walk around the corner. Since my manger, my mother put the other headset on and I had to take care of my drive thru, I would occasionally talk to her in a panicked tone. He can’t be banned because our district manager said no one is allowed to be banned. And there are days where he’ll come in and look for me. It’s gotten to the point where I run into our back room just too hide. It makes me nervous. I’ve been thinking about a restraining order. What do y’all think?


@theycalledmepenguin  I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to anyone I don't even have my phone right now and I'm dealing with a lot of stuff I just haven't been able to but when I get my phone back I will try to explain everything


@Jeeperscreepers05 you never text Kiwi anymore, she wants you to text her. She's upset


@haimsdream why didn't you tell me about this Sam I'ma come up there and give him a pice of my mind also same girl I have a lot of men up at work that are perverts


World War Three started yesterday so I’m writing a book for this war. It’s going to be my journal entries that I’m writing in a notebook. It’s apart of history. So let’s start writing. Y’all get to be apart of my life for however long this war is. 


@golden__arrows They did but if the war is terrible enough for Americans to enter, that means drafting people. 


@haimsdream I’m also pretty sure they don’t do drafting as much anymore I think they stopped that years ago 