

/     missing you lots bby   !   & missing your gorgeous writing ,   but   you   take   all the time you need   !    life   is   hella   busy ,   I know    < 33


/   in my effort to get past my creative burnout i've been reading back on replies i sent on old accounts  :,)   more than anything else,  i miss playing as jesper.  i wish i could get the time to do it once more,  but...



/     missing you lots bby   !   & missing your gorgeous writing ,   but   you   take   all the time you need   !    life   is   hella   busy ,   I know    < 33


/   in my effort to get past my creative burnout i've been reading back on replies i sent on old accounts  :,)   more than anything else,  i miss playing as jesper.  i wish i could get the time to do it once more,  but...


shouldn't  you  be  on  the  door?  


i  /know/ exactly who you are, jesper  what  you're like.   [  voice  gruff  and  full of warning, tilting  his head to  the  side.  ]   you know  where  your  place is, and that's on the door. 


。⁠*゚♡⁠˖  @kettrdamned ꒷︶꒦  and miss out on all this fun?  oh,  boss,  it's like you /still/ don't know who i am!   and,  anyway,  big bol's covering for me.   what does it matter?


(  . . .  )            alright     buddy    ,     / back off /     or I’ll swing      this bat     so     hard      you’ll see     stars .      
          /       she    found    him    in     her    home    XD 


。⁠*゚♡⁠˖ @hawkinssoull ꒷︶꒦  “i  think  you're  smart  enough  to  know  you're  not  winning  this  fight.”   WAS  HE  BEING  TOO  COCKY?   the  gun  in  his  hand  made  him  feel  invincible,   a  large  contradiction  to  his  earlier  fright  of  being  caught  and  torn  to  shreds  by  a  debtor  with  a  short  temper.   he'd  barely  escaped,   no  bullets  shot  and  no  facial  features  broken  ...    but  the  damage  that  he  was  left  with?   THAT  was  fright  (for  what  had  happened,  for  what  could  have  happened,  and  for  what  may  happen  next):  an  ugly  emotion  that  manifests  itself  through  his  frantic  and  brash  mannerisms  and  less-than-friendly  speech.      “what  good  will  your  voice  do  against  a  bullet?”   deadpan  was  his  tone,     the  weapon  still  aimed  towards  her  direction.   for  a  moment,   the  cogs  in  his  head  can  be  seen  turning,   almost,   with  the  way  his  lips  twist  to  the  side  and  the  eventual  lowering  of  the  gun.  you  could  see  the  exact  moment  in  which  each  piece  works  itself  out,   that  moment  he  realizes  how  to  fix  things: “but,   i  am  feeling  nice  ...   so,   make  this  easier  for  the  both  of  us,   and  absolutely  no  harm  will  be  done  to  you  or  your  home.   all  i'm  asking  is  a  little  bit  of  time  to  spend  here,   while  i...”   because,   for  all  his  energy,   jesper  fahey  was  not  invincible.  in  fact,   he  was  absolutely  drained.  his  bones  ached,   each  joint  screaming  for  --  “rest.   i'd  owe  you  one,   too.   doesn't  that  sound  like  a  dream,   sweetheart?”


this message may be offensive
@thirdcorvus     (  . . .  )         [         the answer to      his question     ,     was that     she was being dead     serious .      and if    the swinging of her bat  didn’t work ,   then she    certainly had     a mean right hook .     but      she was    kicking herself      ,     for    not grabbing     one of her father’s    guns    instead    , when she saw him .     then     again ,    looking back    ,     she didn’t think   that she would have had       the time .         ]        you think I’m      kidding     ?         [        her brow rose as      her fingers      tightened     their     grasp around    around the bat   ,    adjusting the bat    more     securely    around    the back of her head     ,      indicating     her willingness to put every ounce of     her strength     into swinging     the    ‘ weapon ‘    if she had to .     but     amelia   faltered    slightly    at the    sight of    the gun    ,     lips     pressing into a thin line     .       ]       wow ,    seriously ?      you don’t     think     you could    take me on without the    gun     ?        . . .       I’ll    fucking     scream   .       [           she warned     him     ,    slowly lowering    the bat      .        ] 
            /    I love    how I    didn’t even notice   that LMAO    ,     yassss 


 。⁠*゚♡⁠˖ @hawkinssoull ꒷︶꒦  THIS  WAS  NOT  ON  HIS  ITINERARY.  strikingly  gray  eyes  wander  from  the  girl  in  front  of  him,   daringly  holding  the  aforementioned  bat.   HOW  SERIOUS  WAS  SHE  BEING,   he  wondered?   “darling,   if  you  wanted  us  to  go  look  at  the  stars  together,   all  you  had  to  do  was  ask!”   nevertheless,  he  was  not  taking  any  chances.   within  seconds,  a  single  gun  is  removed  from  its  holster,   cocked,   and  aimed  mere  millimeters  away  from  the  girl.    “  ...   but  seriously,   i  don't  think  that  bat  would  do  you  any  good.   drop  it.”
            /   i  like  how  he  keeps  breaking  into  your  characters'  houses  HAHA


/    cb!   i'm actually back this time HAHA.


    *       THE   AUDACITY. 


     *               (side eye).


                just    putting  it  out  there  ..      in  case  you  don’t  yk. 


     *       lucky   you,     i  got  paid  today.     so .. 


/    i'm baaaack,  and will be replying to everything later on !!!   : )   < 3


  *      @thirdcorvus 
                     gay    mf.         follow   back   >:(


    *      good,     you   better. 


/   currently at a press conference,   and will be here until thursday evening!  soooo,  expect delayed/no replies for the meantime.   :,)   (aaand wish me luck!)


*    good   luck,        sending   you  lots  of  positive   vibes,    and    crack   a   bone  /  j.    take   care   and   make  sure    to   drink   lots  of water,    &   don’t  forget   to   come   back. 