
Heyo people who still actually keep up with my stories whats up this is your lazy author speaking lol
          	So basically I havent updated in more than a month. School has been crazy and I've lost my time and motivation to continue writing my fanfictions. I made a decision to delete this She's a Teenage Queen as well as Fading Perfection and The Summer We Were Cool. I hope you respect my decision. 
          	For the time being, I'm keeping Human since it's already done.


Heyo people who still actually keep up with my stories whats up this is your lazy author speaking lol
          So basically I havent updated in more than a month. School has been crazy and I've lost my time and motivation to continue writing my fanfictions. I made a decision to delete this She's a Teenage Queen as well as Fading Perfection and The Summer We Were Cool. I hope you respect my decision. 
          For the time being, I'm keeping Human since it's already done.


guys halp I'm contemplating on deleting some of my stories and just keeping human and maybe fading perfection cause tbh I don't really have a plan for any of those anymore. i guess I just lost interest in writing all this romance stuff. its just not what I want to do anymore. 
          I also have something else in the works that I feel would be more my type. 
          I want to focus more on short stories and not make ones that drag on. 