
/     rural canada said i could have /some/ rights
          *   the  mans  hands  flew  up  to  cover  his  eyes  as  the  blinding  flash  from  the  unidentifiable  object  went  off,   heart  racing at  the  thought  of  it  being  something,,   dangerous.   *   ,,   hey!!


wh  —   what  ?    *  at  this  point  ,   his  head  was  spinning  ,   trying  to  wrap  itself  around  what  the  hell  was  going  on  —   and  why  this  person  was  so  terrified  of  a  simple  picture  *   i  don’t  ..   i  don’t  understand  —   why  ??  
            (  @hatescops  )   *  /    the world works in fascinating ways 


*   picture  —  he  repeats  to  himself  before  he  realizes.   a  picture  is  the  things  people  take  to  remember  stuff,   a  big  wave  of  panic  goes  through  him  as  his  hands  go  to  his  hair.   *   please  —  please  delete  it!!   *   he  says  quickly,   hands  nervously  picking  at  his  thick  locs.   *
            @throughlenses   /  and  then  it’ll  spit  on  me  and  tell  me  to  know  my  place  trash


*  rotating  between  magnifications  kept  him  from  panicking  ,   his  eyes  focused  entirely  on  the  device  in  his  hands  *   um  ..   a  camera  ?   that  takes  pictures  ..  ?  
            (  @hatescops  )   *  /    a birthday present of rights 