
also it’s kind of depressing how the people who i’ve talked to on this app, most of them have left this platform. that sucks so hard. 


hi to those who are still on this app!
          yeah of course i still have this app but i have been doing a lot of reading instead of writing but anyways, im here talk about my book tum se hi (in case anyone remembers it lol). 
          a few days ago i had archived the book. well basically cause i had a very bad day and i wasn’t feeling good & and the second reason is the book needed heavy editing. like SERIOUS HEAVY EDITING. i have tried to edit it but there were so many errors and plot loopholes, it was just INSANE. 
          so i thought i could rewrite it better for y’all and post it. and this is me letting y’all know that  i i am working on it as we speak and since its a book that’s already written and the plot and everything is decided, rewriting it shouldn’t take too long. so i will post it as soon as its done and i hope you guys will shower it the same love you did the first time *puppy eyes*
          anyways thanks so much for reading this! i will be back soon with my book even better as it was before. love you all <3
          Tiara Malhotra. 


@tiaraamalhotra can’t wait for the updates ❤️❤️❤️


idk if ur on this app anymore but WHERE TF IS TUM SE HI


hi i am still on this app lmao. so sorry for the late reply, but i had archived tum se hi cause i felt it needed some heavy editing. but i am working on it and the book will soon be up, thanks so much for remembering the book i didn’t think anyone did lol <3


my obsession with conrad fisher has gotten to such a point, im actually concerned for myself.


@tiaraamalhotra AHHH SAME! i have been obsessed with him since I watched him in the show and Chris Briney portrays him so so well! It doesn’t hurt that Chris looks like our generation’s leo dicaprio xx


