
Okay, username change is likely to happen today.  This is a big day.  I have not changed my user in like 4-5 years.  KINDA SCARED AHHH 


@ tiedyedshorts  It doesn't matter, i'll recognize you anyway ♡


@Virgi_Galvez awe wait, that’s so cute *cries*  I dunnooo what will happen :,)  I just feel like I need a refresh so, so badly.  


@ tiedyedshorts  I literally read your username as "tiedy", what's going to happen now?


Okay, username change is likely to happen today.  This is a big day.  I have not changed my user in like 4-5 years.  KINDA SCARED AHHH 


@ tiedyedshorts  It doesn't matter, i'll recognize you anyway ♡


@Virgi_Galvez awe wait, that’s so cute *cries*  I dunnooo what will happen :,)  I just feel like I need a refresh so, so badly.  


@ tiedyedshorts  I literally read your username as "tiedy", what's going to happen now?


I am hoping so badly that when I (hopefully) publish a story one day, people will actually read it.  I put so much work into my writing.  And a lot of people on this app seem to just not speak to me anymore.  98% of my mutuals, actually.  Readers better come in clutch when I’m ready to drop one of my books *crying* 


I have to write an essay for my English class about a big transformational period in my life.  For me, the biggest and most obvious one, is my gender journey.  It took me 7+ years to figure out who I am, and sometimes I still question my identity and my preferred gender term.  Already, simply writing my outline is weirdly making me emotional. 


College is killing me.  I’ve cried 5 times in the last 7 hours. 


@-joemammuh thank you for this message <3  I think tonight I will take a relaxing bath (my muscles need help, they’re shot from stress), and I’m going to try to work steadily enough to finally have a weekend free.  Fingers crossed I can do it. 


@tiedyedshorts get some good quality rest and have a day to yourself to do whatever the hell you want. make some banana pancakes for breakfast, go take urself out to get some ice cream, read that book youve been wanting to read, write, ANYTHING you've felt like you've restricted yourself of. we tend to forget we need a balance of things as we grow older. its no wonder so many people grow up to be grumpy lol. without happiness, things (even college) begin to seem pointless. remember you can't put pressure on yourself. you're trying and that's what should matter the most. :]


I never have free time anymore.  I can’t do anything fun.  I’m stressed.  I’m sad.  I’m tired.  I hate this. 