
just randomly askin'
          	are there any other groups, you would like to see me write a story about?
          	i probably won't do it right now, but maybe in the future? who knows.
          	just got curious about it.


@timetocope And do you know that Rora and Hyein are best friends? :3


@timetocope I like Asa and Rora so freaking much >.< They even have a pre-debut MV though 


@Meow_meowmyhae i can see that. thought they had more mvs but i saw only 3, is that right? lmao
          	  kinda like ruka tho


just randomly askin'
          are there any other groups, you would like to see me write a story about?
          i probably won't do it right now, but maybe in the future? who knows.
          just got curious about it.


@timetocope And do you know that Rora and Hyein are best friends? :3


@timetocope I like Asa and Rora so freaking much >.< They even have a pre-debut MV though 


@Meow_meowmyhae i can see that. thought they had more mvs but i saw only 3, is that right? lmao
            kinda like ruka tho


haven't done this in a while, so let's get started:
          I hope you guys have an amazing time and doing well. You're still beautiful beings on this earth. Don't let them negative thoughts or similar negative things get to you. Just come to me, i'll tell ya how awesome you really are. Positivity all the way! Love and get loved, be friendly and cope with me in delusion for them hawt k-pop gurls. 
          Love you all ♥


this message may be offensive
fuck the shit i wrote with being a responsible human being.
          i'm trash and i suck at organizing my stuff.
          atleast i have finally written a new chapter lmao.
          stay tuned for more, they'll come eventually.


@Kitsxku my head is high, i'm just a dumb little human being :D
            no worries though, i kinda got some spark in me left i guess.


@timetocope keep your head high, everything’s going to be okay, i guarantee it. you’re amazing :)


Alrighty, big update here my coping fellas.
          Kinda got into a deep hole of doing nothing, except for literally being in my bed hours over hours and getting stupider and stupider by watching yt shorts and all kind of bullcrap. 
          Now I wanna sort out some things, organize a little bit, maybe make some new covers for my books, because i want too.  Therefore I'm trying to give myself a little deadline for some new chapters.
          This Month will come:
          - Till the End of Time: Chapter 18
          - Choose me, Secretary Marsh: Chapter 8
          (I hear you, peeps, you kinda want some more lesbomancy at the office, i'll give it to ya, happy?)
          I also unpublished one story for now, that being the daerin story "HeartBeat". I may unpublish some more, because i don't want them there, if i'm not writing chapters as of now. Be sure tho, that they won't be deleted, it's just a "coming soon" thing y'know? 
          Next Month i'll try getting some routine in, so that atleast one chapter per week is published by me. That should be fine for now, since i do have some things outside of this website i have to deal with since a last couple days, but i'll manage. 
          Anyways, hope you guys doing great, if not .. you just don't know that you're doing great. That's it from me, have a wonderful day!
          Auf Wiedersehen ♪


@evelyn_caramel i mean it is a good hobby lmao


@timetocope rotting in bed is totally normal. It's one of my fav hobby ❤️


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What kind of world do we live in that you have to apologize for a relationship? What a load of bullshit.


@SunnyMerry6 no probs. normally they shouldn't have to, but can't let them fans down amirite? lmao


Time for some positivity? You bet your asses.
          Remember when I said, that you're awesome? No? Guess i'll have to remind you yet again, that that's the truth ma coping indivudial.
          Be you, be free from negatives and always remember, there'll be always someone how loves you for who you are ♥