
this message may be offensive
I didn't watch or read Oshi no ko
          	only a fanfic about it and the memes on reddit about it but holy fuck
          	People on reddit were talking about the latest chapter of oshi no ko 
          	Spoilers!! I guess
          	Ruby found out about Aqua being the doctor and said how she's past 16 yrs old then about marriage 
          	Whoever let the author cook did a good job xD
          	Unrelated note, I started to play Vampire survivor and I can't stop now ... help


@timmyvoszi I was shocked when i saw the spoilers but ohh well let him cook, 
          	  Stop playing.


@timmyvoszi Lol. Author doing good job 


this message may be offensive
I didn't watch or read Oshi no ko
          only a fanfic about it and the memes on reddit about it but holy fuck
          People on reddit were talking about the latest chapter of oshi no ko 
          Spoilers!! I guess
          Ruby found out about Aqua being the doctor and said how she's past 16 yrs old then about marriage 
          Whoever let the author cook did a good job xD
          Unrelated note, I started to play Vampire survivor and I can't stop now ... help


@timmyvoszi I was shocked when i saw the spoilers but ohh well let him cook, 
            Stop playing.


@timmyvoszi Lol. Author doing good job 


Alright, wtf is going on with y2 vol9?
          Is it out?
          I entered the cote reddit and keitards are crying blood, something about Kiyo meeting with Ichinose and Horikita getting between Kiyo and the stupid cow while they had a fight
          If it's true then it seems that the LN is slowly getting better xD


@timmyvoszi I finally found the Angry Kiryuuin, and it's a refreshing sight to see.
            BUT WATDAHEK!?! SHE GOT "NERFED" BRUH! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


@timmyvoszi Got a link to the subreddit tho?


I published `The eminence in shadow ` chapter
          Hav- wait when did I reach 500 followers?


@timmyvoszi congratulations!! 


Happy new year everyone


@timmyvoszi happy new year!


this message may be offensive
Ranting again and manga recommendation 
          So Overwatch 2 has been out for about a week and wow
          First 2 days barely anyone could play because of ddos attacks
          then some players had problems with lag (Had to delete old files of the old engine, good job blizzard)
          The shop is bullshit:
          19$ for a skin
          7$ for a weapon charm
          if we add everything from OW 1 then one account would cost about 12K $ 
          Not only that but the currency from OW1 that was transferred is useless, you can't buy things from the shop with it or old skins (Slow claps)
          At least the game is still fun to play with friends 
          Manga Recommendation 
          You want to read a wholesome romance manga? well try this
          Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
          It's really great (gyaru x loner)
          I've read to chapter 41 and I heard  it's getting an anime adaptation 
          there's just one thing
          FUCK NTR
          There's wholesome scenes between the gyaru and the `loner` then here comes the author pushing the childhood friend in the middle
          (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
          Now I understand why childhood friends don't deserve to win 
          but the manga is still great despite the feel train so I recommend it 
          (Just bring a shotgun for the childhood friend)


@ timmyvoszi  yeeeeaaaah the cursed achievment. I saw that on a youtuber channel. "NOOOO ! I got an achievment" is something I never thought I would hear with a voice filled with dread.


            First day was about 3 or 4 hours in queue 
            Console players have it even worst, there's a bug on consoles where if they get an achievement they get kicked out of the game so they have to enter queue (This problem is still not fixed for them I think)  
            The lag was gone until Blizzard released an update yesterday and now it's back  -_-
            but Blizzard did say they will give a free skin and charm for all the problems so that's a nice 26 $ gift xD


I heard it was a swarm. Welp, s expected of first week. Apparently the wait in the lobby is quite insane. Kek. And yeah. Heard the lags were....not minor.


this message may be offensive
Sigh (Angry ranting)
          I'm a big fan of Blizzard games so when Overwatch 2 was announce I was hyped for the PvE campaign and other things but wow
          Blizzard just had to go that direction
          “As a competitive player you might want to buy the premium battlepass to maximize your tools to win the game.”
          "If a player in my team doesn't have a hero that I have then it's fine with me because I wouldn't want them to throw the match"
          In the first game whenever they release a new hero it would be free (only chaos in picking it during a match)  but now people can just buy the hero that's locked behind a battle pass
          There's also a youtuber trying to justify by saying how you can get the hero for free if you play for it ...
          YEAH after hundreds of hours of playing cramped into 2 months 
          Even the battle pass doesn't offer enough credit to buy the next one if you 100% (Even Fortnite got this right -_-)
          In OW 1 I was fine with loot boxes because I didn't care for them (only for the level up ones) but this system with heroes locked is bullshit 
          (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
          Sorry for the rant


@JKH-Extra no. Only companies


@GiKaRa_ Does the EA virus effect humans? 


Mommy Timmy pls be mine ~>`)~~~