
Listen up people, Chapter 1 of the remake was republished but with more added to it so I suggest you reread it as the next chapter will continue off of the new ending to chapter 1


I did it! The prologue is complete, the remake is beginning! Now just to let you know, progress will be way slower than the original version because now I’m going to slow down, take my time, and make it actually good! Also comment what you think about the prologue, do you feel ready to read more?


You know what? I feel like I may have made mistakes with my War of Shadows and Duality stories... I want everyone to reply to me and tell me if I should do a remake of War Of Shadows? How about it? This time I promise I won’t rush it and it’ll actually be good this time


Wow, you guys I asked if you could spread my Duality story and it went from 10 views all the way to 39! That is great and I appreciate it! Though I just noticed the Wattys have started and I know I have plenty of time, but time does fly! But I’m going to use a story that I have a better understanding of what’s going to happen, because Duality is mainly me just doing improv. I didn’t even plan the ending to War Of Shadows! But continuing on! Help me get my Pokémon story out there! Give me ideas! Help me out a bit! Read it and tell your friends to read it! It would mean a lot!


All my subs, tell ya friends or whatever and read my War of shadows story and then read what I have for Duality... and tell me if I should continue doing this... I think I’m starting to get better at writing but should I continue writing this series? No one reads them...


Haven’t added to my story cause I guess it’s kinda hard when people don’t know the name of the book that I’m making so quick sell out, if any of my followers actually read this, tell your followers, friends, etc. then I might get back to typing!