
okay!! i’ll start working on the applyfic & things tonight. let me know if you’d like to be tagged whenever it gets posted!!


@todoisms  /. tag me pretty pls bae :heart_eyes:


okay!! i’ll start working on the applyfic & things tonight. let me know if you’d like to be tagged whenever it gets posted!!


@todoisms  /. tag me pretty pls bae :heart_eyes:


i wanna make a murder mystery applyfic but nobody knows who the killer is until the cast is chosen (i will obviously tell the person “hey, your oc would be the killer for the applyfic.. is that okay with you?” and if not i’ll choose another person until someone agrees) & of course there will be some deaths, but it’ll be completely random!! would anyone be interested in it..


@todoisms /. i just wanna try smth new tbh


/ I'll try join though if I wake up and there's spots left :)


            / I'll prolly be too late to get that role tbh bc it's still early morning for me so I was gonna go back to sleep 


this message may be offensive
crying during drama club wasn’t on my list today but here i am. since i was for for a week to go to my grandparents’ house, i missed four rehearsals.
          coming back be told at the end of the school day BY MY FRIENDS, who KNEW i was unable to do anything drama-related during my time, “by the way, you missed a ton of stuff!!1!11” in the most energetic tone instantly soured my mood.
          here i am, sitting beside my “friends” and turned away because i’m crying and sniffling. i can’t learn it in time if we’re not going over it again. it isn’t online. the only things that are online are dances. i’m so fucked. the performances are next week.


@FutureDiaryAyano | my absence was cleared months ago for this under the claim i wouldn’t miss much, but now I’m going to have to work twice as hard </3 i had no idea we were doing so much.


            Have you talked to your director?


this message may be offensive
today’s the day i fly back, and everything went to absolute shit for me. i was saying something and i hear sam say “don’t act like a victim.” what? when did i ever say anything about acting like a fucking victim. HE played the victim.
          “i didn’t say anything!” I FUCKING HEARD YOU. BUT OF COURSE, NOBODY ELSE DID. that’s always what’s happens, isn’t it? so when everyone started to make fun of me for gettin angry, sam started saying “i don’t know what you’re talking about!” and whenever I get angry i start to cry.
          so obviously i started to cry. and usually i want to get away when that happens, so i got up to hide in the room i’ve been in during our stay. my mom followed after me, giving me a lecture and telling me “he was trying to help.” no, he wasn’t.
          i’ll finish this after my flight. </3 don’t want them to see me typing it.


@Captain15122010 | one of my two brothers. i’m a triplet. both of my brothers are basically the definition of assholes majority of the time. </3


@todoisms ;((((((
            Who's sam btw?!


if anyone didn’t see my former announcement from four days ago, it still applies!! (i don’t want to type it all out again, sooo..)


@-sugarpetals | aww, that’s a bummer :( ofc i’m not leaving wp or anything though, since i didn’t really use pms to begin with tbh </3 that’s perfectly reasonable!! i was too when i first got it, but my main reason for having it is faster communication


i’d love to but i still don’t have discord </3  kinda scared of it for some reason lol