


hello everyone!! i managed to get my wattpad acc back :0 sorry i wasnt able to get this account back for a BUNCH of months!! looking back at my work (falling for you/incompatible) its a rlly messy one, i managed to get it back and im also planning to rewrite it! i got into genshin impact in the rest of the months of the pandemic. i read the book again and realised there were a bunch of grammatical issues and errors so im sorry abt that  i hope youll be looking forward to future works and updates. comment here if ur still waiting!! ♡♡


@Laurettawrites yes ^O^ i had a long writers block so i almost gave up on the book 


@tokituwo hey hun! Glad to see youre doing okay! I almost unfollowed tbh-
            Sorry I am late, but yes I am waiting :) take your time though please!
            ...this is Tokitocheese, right? xD


Hello Everyone! tokitocheese here. I have scheduled the release of chapters for all of my works and books. One Chapter every two weeks. (I know, it's not fair but I have things to do in Instagram and irl!) So please, continue reading my stories. Thanks for your support! 
          ☆ Please suggest some scenes in the comments! :)