
hey guys! i just wanted to inform everyone that i will not be writing any more band imagines for the time being. i still love all the bands i wrote about, i just dont have the motivation to write about them anymore. i realize that most of you probably follow me because of the band imagines, so if you want to unfollow me, go ahead. i just started a fanfic based around the hobbit because i absolutely adore j. r. r. tolkiens fictional world. if you like it to, feel free to check it out! or dont. its really up to you. bye loves!!!


hey guys! i just wanted to inform everyone that i will not be writing any more band imagines for the time being. i still love all the bands i wrote about, i just dont have the motivation to write about them anymore. i realize that most of you probably follow me because of the band imagines, so if you want to unfollow me, go ahead. i just started a fanfic based around the hobbit because i absolutely adore j. r. r. tolkiens fictional world. if you like it to, feel free to check it out! or dont. its really up to you. bye loves!!!


Hello fello llama I am a different type of llam im a llamadinocorn which is a llama cross between an dinosaur cross between a unicorn I just want to say I love your stories


tol_llama you're welcome and thanks you are to


@party_poisons_girl thank you llamadinocorn. you are amazing.