'Sup. If you're reading this, you're oddly curious, but whatever. I write because  billions of story ideas float through my head at any given moment, and I need to write them down or they will be lost forever to the recesses of my imagination. 

Oddly enough, most of my story ideas come from dreams I've had. So, if a plot seems a bit odd and/or not quite cohesive... I'm still filling in the cracks. Dreams aren't always that comprehensive.

I have TONS of different drafts and ideas half-formed in notebooks and Google docs just waiting for their turn, so be forewarned; I may have multiple stories in the works... eventually.

My dream is to write for a living, but that's still a long ways away. My goal on this page is to give readers a glimpse into the worlds I've created and love.

I greatly appreciate messages, comments, and votes that you all may give (in no particular order); I would love to hear from you.
  • USA
  • انضمDecember 17, 2018


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