Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my profile! I am a super fan of literally every amazing book series, including Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, Divergent, The Hunger Games, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and Percy Jackson! I'm always open to new books, so if you have any good books/series that you liked, just put it on my feed or message me! Also, if you have good fanfics or stories on here, tell me because I want to read them!
#slytherinsquad #sokeefe #dearevanhansen #youarebeautiful

Dear Bullies,
You know that boy you pushed over earlier? Committed suicide last night. That girl you called fat? She's starving herself. And that boy you teased for crying? His mother died. You know that man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. That man you stole the little leather pouch off? He was homeless. And everybody else you've been mean to? You've either hurt them really badly or ruined their life. Post this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you are that 1% with time and a heart, then show it. #SuicideIsNotAJoke

92% of the teenage population would be dead if one person decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this on your profile if you'd be one of the 8% alive.

I'm very ugly
So don't try and convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way
And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing, you say will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Am I as ugly as people say?

Now read it from the bottom up.

ǝƃɐd ɹnoʎ oʇuo sIɥʇ ǝʇsɐd puɐ ʎdoɔ 'sʎɐs sIɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ ʇno
ǝɹnƃIɟ oʇ ɥƃnouǝ ʇɹɐɯs ǝɹɐ noʎ ɟI
  • انضمApril 3, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
toooldforkoltc1 toooldforkoltc1 Jul 08, 2022 04:22AM
EVERYONE HELLO! sorry for being M.I.A for a month. I'm back! and i just released another chapter of PHHbecause you guys had to wait so long for this one, i'll be releasing TWO chapters this week! st...
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