
Updates await you!


A lot has changed since October, I transferred schools, switched jobs twice, and switched majors. I want to attempt to release once a week or every other week.  I'm not sure what will work best with my schedule. Until then, the posts will be sporadic, but I sincerely hope you enjoy and I truly would love your insight and feedback.


Unfortunately, my MacBook has been doused with chocolate coconut milk as of yesterday so I am back to using my iPad and keyboard case until that issue is solved.  As for Toxic, I'm not sure if or when that will be continued/finished. BUT I am heavily considering releasing parts of my novel to receive reader feedback.


WHAT MONSTER HAVE I CREATED. A GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL MONSTER. Furthermore, thank you all who have read and caught up because Toxic is OFFICIALLY at 100 VIEWS. Bless you all! I never imagined it would get over 20. Here I am at 100! More to come. Also, would you like to see my NaNoWriMo story?