
this message may be offensive
Don't you love it when something very unimportant goes wrong but because it's only the latest of a long list of things that have gone wrong today it completely breaks you and you just start sobbing, but your parents don't know how stressed out you've been these past few days so they think you're crying because of the unimportant thing that went wrong and you can see from their faces that they're thinking "what the fuck have I created" and you don't know how to explain so you just cry harder?
          	Cause I don't 


@totallynotan_alien if ur happy then I'm happy :DDDDDDD


Ummm..... will you be updating bubble head anytime soon? I'm not trying to pressure you or anything but I just want to know if it will be updated any time soon.......


@totallynotan_alien its ok, take your time, we'll be waiting patiently, don't pressure urself! 


this message may be offensive
Don't you love it when something very unimportant goes wrong but because it's only the latest of a long list of things that have gone wrong today it completely breaks you and you just start sobbing, but your parents don't know how stressed out you've been these past few days so they think you're crying because of the unimportant thing that went wrong and you can see from their faces that they're thinking "what the fuck have I created" and you don't know how to explain so you just cry harder?
          Cause I don't 


@totallynotan_alien if ur happy then I'm happy :DDDDDDD


Hi! This is random but I just wanted to say that:
          I did it! I finally did it! I came out to my mom!
          I've been wanting to for ages now but I just wasn't brave enough
          So I came up with the plan of asking for a pride flag for my birthday (which is coming up) and that way it would be easy to bring up in conversation and I'd have a deadline so I wouldn't chicken out
          I finally decided today was the right day, so before i could change my mind I went on Amazon and found a pansexual pride flag with a picture and its name right there so I wouldn't have to explain anything because if I did I would have a nervous breakdown and end up jumping out of a window
          And then I went up to my mom and asked if I could get one
          She just looked at it for a moment and I thought I might throw up 
          She asked "to hang up in your room?"
          And I nodded
          And then she just smiled and said "ok"
          I cried for about fifteen minutes straight because that was easily one of the scariest things I've ever done and she told me not to be silly and that I worry too much
          And gave me a speech about how hard it is to learn to be comfortable with yourself as a teenager and that things get better and I'm gonna be ok 
          There are no words to describe how much I love my mom and how grateful I am for everything she does for me


@AghaStayArMoa Thank you so much!! ❤❤❤❤


@totallynotan_alien oh my gosh congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I know that this is like really late but I'm sooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!


I love you with all my heart ♥️❤️♥️


            That was so smooooth ohmygad-
            Ffsgsygysgsys ♥️


@PiePI42 just like I love you ❤❤❤❤