
I did it! The new chapter of my Artbook is out now.. a week after the last one :D
          	I hope you enjoy reading it and yeah stay tuned, the next chapter is either going to be another sketchbook one or something for a contest:))


Hey, thanks für deinen Follow und fürs Durchschauen meines Grafikbuches :)


@Flanersurlalune Kein Problem, danke auch für deinen Follow:) Deine Zeichnungen& Graphiken  sind sehr nice, ich mag deinen Style^^


Okkk soo I never  updated my artbook.. but I will try to do so tomorrow, I have enough pictures for three chapters probably so.. we'll see how I end up doing this. Happy holidays everyone.. maybe there's going to be a late present for you tomorrow ,:)


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Just came onto this little hell site for the first time after 3 months and realised that I had promised to post a chapter a week after the last one. But I somehow forgot to do so, even though it was almost finished in my drafts... gonna go lay in a ditch somewhere and question my brain capabilities. 
          In all seriousness sorry guys that I never followed up on my promise. The past months and this whole school year have been incredibly busy and stressful so Wattpad kind of lost it's relevance for my life and as it seems many people feel that way. Seeing people be so inactive definitely hasn't made me want to post on here desperately but I'll try and get at least one chapter out, although it'll hopefully be two:) In the meantime feel free to follow my instagram: @trademark_ty37
          I try to post a little more regularly there
          Hope you have a great day/night:) (if anyone actually reads this ..)
           Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm not wearing my contacts right now so I can't see shit:)
          (Also I'm panicking slightly because a bug just crawled behind my bed and I don't know if I can sleep like that:D)


@Shadow-of-Light thank you:) <3 (and yeah i don't know why I find bugs so scary xd)


Hi everyone I finally posted a new chapter:D 
          I just wanted to also say thank you for 2,5 thousand votes on my current artbook, I'm really happy that people are still interested in seeing my art xd 
          The newest chapter of my artbook is in English so I'd be really happy about some feedback about that decision... do you think I should stick with English chapters or should I go back to german?
          Have a great day :)!


Hey everyone:) I'm still alive!:D
           I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in ages. School has been incredibly busy and more challenging than I thought and I've been to so many doctor appointments the past month that haven't really had the time and energy to spend on writing full chapters an here,:)
          I hope I can find the time to draw and write a new chapter soon, so stay tuned:)!
          If you want to see some more of the things I've been up to lately you can check out my instagram account (for once I've been fairly active there xd) 
          It's: @trademark_ty37 :)
          Okay enough self promo.. 
          How are you guys?
          I hope you're doing alright!
          I for one am enjoying spring and the warmer temperatures to the fullest while desperately waiting for spring break xd
          Okay bye for now
          Hope to see you soon on my new chapter:)


Hey everyone:)
          I just wanted to announce that e new chapter of my Artbook will be out either today or tomorrow:D
          I'm sorry that it took me this long to write it but there was alot going on in my life resently and it really hit me like a truck. Thankfully I have now gotten my self back up and going again and I'm really excited to pist this new chapter, since i'm super proud of my new Sketchbook so far:)
          I hope everyone is doing alright and I wish you the best of days today^^
          Hey everyone:)
          Ich wollte nur kurz Bescheid sagen, dass entweder heute oder morgen ein neues Kapitel in meinem Artbook kommen sollte:D
          Es tut mir wirklich leid, dass ich so lange gebraucht habe es zu schreiben, aber in letzter Zeit ist einfach ziemlich viel in meinem Leben passiert und es hat mich ehrlich gesagt etwas aus der Bahn geworfen. Inzwischen geht es mir aber besser und ich freue mich tatsächlich ziemlich das neue Kapizu posten, weil ich bis jetzt wirklich etwas stolz auf mein neues Sketchbook bin:)
          Ich hoffe euch geht es wenigstens okay und wünsche euch natürlich einen wunderschönen Tag'^^


@Shadow-of-Light haha stimmt danke, bis jetzt habe ich es einfach versucht zu ignorieren, aber man kann das ja auch ändern xdd


Sorry for all the spelling errors, I have a new phone and the keybord thing is slightly different than my old phone's keybord and it for some reason makes me make so many spelling errors,xd