
⠀⠀ ╱ ⠀   sorry  for  dying..   cb  &  spec  while  i  get  out  to  replies!!


( … )     eye twitches drop that angst starter you promised but NEVER GAVE ME on sabopoo and whatever tickles your fancy on luffster!!!!!!!!! NEOW


╱     strangles  u  relentlessly  give  me  cute  domestic  stuff  on  here  and  on  kidd  too  perhaps‼️  (  i  need  to  start  using  him  idc  if  he  has  no  theme  yet..  )


-—         ☀︎︎         —-
          ( starter  below! )


    law—    LAW!    will    you    stop!?    (    gloriosa    called    out,    hurrying    after    the    doctor    who    was    clearly    trying    to    avoid    her.    his    fast    walking    pace    made    it    rather    difficult    to    keep    up    with    him,    but    eventually    she    had    catched    up    and    latched    a    hand    onto    law's    wrist    to    keep    him    from    going    on    any    further.    )    ..    i    know    what    you're    doing.    (    she    huffed    out,    attempting    to    catch    her    breath    from    chasing    after    him    around    the    polar    tang    before    continuing.    they've    been    through    this    once,    and    gloriosa    refuses    to    let    it    end    in    vain    again.    she    refuses    to    lose    /  him  /    again.    )    shutting    me    out    won't    solve    anything..!    (    closing    her    eyes,    gloriosa    takes    a    shakey    deep    breath    for    a    moment    to    try    and    think    of    words    that    would    get    through    to    him,    hopefully.    )    i    will    not    allow    you    to    act    as    if    i    don't    exist    or    mean    anything    to    you,    law.    talk    to    me,    yell    at    me,    even    SCREAM    if    you    need    to,    i    don't    care.    (    as    hard    as    she    tried    to    stay    strong    during    it,    she    couldn't    help    the    way    her    voice    cracked,    every    ounce    of    vulnerability    pouring    out    as    she    desperately    tries    to    plead    with    law.    )    just    don't    push    me    away    again...    please...


 ⠀‬‬  ⠀⠀‬‬⠀  fufufu,    come    now,    law,    is    that    how    you    speak    to    family    after    ten    years    of    radio    silence?    (   ...   )    so    you    remember,    then,    this    place?    sure,    the    ice    has    long    melted,    the    past    long    buried,    but    there’s    no    moving    on    from    this.     tell    me...    do    you    still    hear    gunshots    in    the    night    during    the    first    fall    of    snow?




ㅤㅤ⋅ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆     ﹙ㅤ@tenyashas﹚༢ㅤ
            ..       *     he   was   well   aware   of   how   doflamingo   was   trying   to   get   a   rise   out   of   him―     how   he   wanted   law   to   get   m͟a͟d.     but   he   wouldn’ t.     though   the   mockery   dealt   a   large   blow   onto   his   heart,     the   captain   refused   to   show   it.     with   doflamingo,     it   was   always   a   battle   of   wits.     whoever   slipped   first   would   inevitably   lose.     *       i   didn’ t   take   you   as   someone   who   held   onto   the   past.     in   fact,     i   didn’ t   think   you   actually   cared   enough   to   remember   where   you   killed   cora―san.


/      i     hope     it’s     good     i     really     tried!     explodes


-—         ♡︎         —-
          ( starter  below! )


    (    law    was    never    a    man    who    seemed    to    celebrate    holiday's,    that    gloriosa    knew    and    respected.    even    for    today,    february    14th,    she    didn't    go    all    out    for    his    sake.    yet    despite    that,    the    redhead    couldn't    help    but    at    least    indulge    in    getting    a    gift    or    two    for    law—    after    all    valentine's    day    was    a    holiday    for    celebrating    love    and    your    loved    ones;    gloriosa    could    only    hope    that    law    would    like    the    gifts    she    got    for    him.    and    now    here    she    was,    wandering    around    the    polar    tang's    hallways    in    search    of    said    pirate    with    the    delicately    wrapped    gifts    in    hand.    gloriosa    wanted    to    give    them    to    law    as    soon    as    she    could,    but    the    search    for    him    seemed    to    be    coming    up    short.    she    should    be    able    to    find    him    eventually,    there    was    only    so    many    places    you    could    hide    on    here.    thankfully    with    luck    being    on    her    side,    while    glancing    around    during    her    search,    she    had    finally    bumped    into    him.    )    oh!—    law!    there    you    are,    i've    been    looking    all    over    for    you    all    morning.    (    gloriosa    clarified,    beaming    up    at    law    with    a    smile    and    slight    laugh.    )


⠀⠀ ╱ ⠀   sorry  for  dying..   cb  &  spec  while  i  get  out  to  replies!!


( … )     eye twitches drop that angst starter you promised but NEVER GAVE ME on sabopoo and whatever tickles your fancy on luffster!!!!!!!!! NEOW


╱     strangles  u  relentlessly  give  me  cute  domestic  stuff  on  here  and  on  kidd  too  perhaps‼️  (  i  need  to  start  using  him  idc  if  he  has  no  theme  yet..  )