
omg !! diamonds is almost at 2k ! i have an update coming soon ! my life has been pretty crazy this past year. but i’m getting my life back on track which means i can turn my focus onto other things like writing ! so look forward to future updates and maybe some other books... maybe :) ! thank you for all the love on my book i promise to try and do better ! 


omg !! diamonds is almost at 2k ! i have an update coming soon ! my life has been pretty crazy this past year. but i’m getting my life back on track which means i can turn my focus onto other things like writing ! so look forward to future updates and maybe some other books... maybe :) ! thank you for all the love on my book i promise to try and do better ! 


Hey y’all if you’re one of my readers i just updated Diamonds it’s taken me over a year to redo this book hahaha i didn’t know how i wanted to turn out and the first way i wrote it wasn’t something i think i could write because i didn’t have enough experience with that sort of  trauma and i didn’t wanna trigger someone by misrepresenting i guess if that’s the right wording. 
          Anyways i made a lot of changes to the first chapter so if you could give it a read that would be great !!