
Sometimes I just want a stranger to talk to me so I can tell them what I feel without being judged 


this message may be offensive
I'm so sick of people judging me by my music taste, yes I listen to sad/"emo" music, I only do that because I feel I relate to it, people are always saying "oh why don't you listen to pop music" "ugh you're such an emo" "you're only emo because you want attention" "you're not depressed"
          I don't listen to pop music or any "happy" music because I'm not fucking happy.
          I want to be able to listen to music that I relate to, I don't just want to listen to some bullshit song about someone breaking up with someone else.
          I listen to "emo" songs because they have a meaning so get off your dad's dick and stop complaining about the music I listen to, it's not like I'm forcing you to listen to it.
          stay alive frens |-/