
Just uploaded my complete original work, Fallen. If you like stories about angels and demons, you'll like it!!!! Let me know if you like it.


Hey, guys!
          I have lost my passion for Dare to Remember, and am unsure if I want to continue it. It's just not going the direction I want it to go... So if anyone wants me to continue, you better speak up quick, because I will permanently put the story on hold on Saturday if no one wants me to finish it.


Hey guys I'm alive! And guess what? Soon I will resume writing Dare To Remember! 
          (On another note I want to delete The Watcher and te Captain :/)
          Also I just found myself writing a Star Trek one-shot. If anyone wants me to post it let me know, otherwise it'll just go on my Fanfic account. 
          Love you guys!
          (Also I have 23 followers HOW DID THAT HAPPEN GUYS IM A TERRIBKE WRITER!?!)


Hey guys. Yeah, I know- I've taken my own sweet time. High school is really busy, and I haven't had a lot of time lately. I mean, seriously, though: Is two months since ANYTHING acceptable? No. NO it is not.
          Hopefully I will post something soon, but no promises.