
Thank you for adding Memories, Scars, and Survival to your book list. It means a lot. Please feel free to comment anything positive or negative. This book is the one closest to my heart so I want it to be good. All comments help me improve my writing and storytelling. 


@MaxGiannis yeah you're welcome, and please post an update once the sequel of the book got published (in the future).
            The sequence of the story is good and i hope the sequel will reveal the current status of the twins  after they got into something else just like that (as i mentioned earlier in my comment) and how the twins love life relationship going on 
            Anyway, have a good day and keep writing!❤️❤️


@trent_david Thank you for the review. I do intend on writing a sequel. In fact, I've already began writing it. 


@MaxGiannis update: i just finished reading the book, i hope there's a sequel, like the relationship and life of the twins after just like that
            Forgive my english


Thank you for adding GET A ROOM! to your reading list. I hope you enjoy the story ♡ for more of my work, please go to my profile @CelineMoniz 


@BrightSparksBL You're welcome and have a great day!❤️


Thanks for giving Summers and Starbucks a chance! ❤️ Made my day! Do leave a review if you like! Have a great day! 


@nirzaara you're welcome, i re-added it again since my library and reading lists are glitching due to system syncing problem, gonna give you a follow once i finished cleaning the mess. Have a great day!  