


hey there y'all (at least the y'all whose reading this anyway). 
          so i promised to write and i have actually been writing. but i procrastinate so much to the extent that i never end up posting or if i do i feel discouraged about it. to those of you who have been with me with my previous account i have been writing stories but they've never quite worked out. back then i was really discouraged about my writing and constantly taking them down and trying to rack my brains for new ideas. don't get me wrong - i LOVE writing. i'm not the best at it, but it's something i really enjoy doing and hopefully this hobby can be a passion. 
          i really want to get back on the writing track. really, i do. i have a LOT of ideas i'd like to share here. i guess the last time at my go on writing here is that i just wanted to be popular, like all those here who have already succeeded. i didn't write for myself, i literally forced myself to write a story that something majority of users here would like, but my ideas - they can never match up to anyone's expectations. that was my problem. i didn't enjoy writing because i didn't write for myself. 
          so i'm going to give in and write - and i'll write properly this time. you know? i'll post my ideas because i like it. who gives a damn about how many reads/votes you get? as long as you enjoy what you do, that's enough to keep you happy. 
          i don't know if anyone will read this but if anyone does i'm sorry for having wasted your time. you deserve a cookie. 
          love, al