
          	I just wanted to once again thank EVERYONE that has followed me, it means sooooo much to me to know that people are reading (and hopefully enjoying!) my work. I love you all to the moon and back!! :P 
          	Here are a few things I would like to notify you all of:
          	1) I just updated two chapter for Our Journey Of A Thousand Miles so go ahead and READ, VOTE AND COMMENT!! I hope you enjoy the story.
          	2) I'm not sure whether or not I will continue with Peter and Sunny.... :| I'm still not sure where I should go with it. I will make up my mind about it ASAP!
          	3) I PROMISE I WILL WILL WILL WILL UPDATE A TWIST IN THE TALE AS SOON AS MY COMPUTER DECIDES TO STOP BEING A POOP. I have the next few chapters saved on my computer and I am having trouble trying to put them onto my iPad (which - unlike my computer - ACTUALLY WORKS) so I can post them on Wattpad. I'll see when I can fix it, hopefully soon.
          	3) Anyone got any ideas about what anime I should watch? I'm not sure which anime will be good and which is... Meh. I currently watch Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note and SAO. PLZ DM ME THE SECOND YOU CAN THINK OF AN AWESOME ANIME AND YOU WILL BE MY MOST AWESOME STRANGER-FRIEND-IDK EVER!!! Lol, sorry, got off track there.
          	4) HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY! :)
          	From Tuna! xox


          I just wanted to once again thank EVERYONE that has followed me, it means sooooo much to me to know that people are reading (and hopefully enjoying!) my work. I love you all to the moon and back!! :P 
          Here are a few things I would like to notify you all of:
          1) I just updated two chapter for Our Journey Of A Thousand Miles so go ahead and READ, VOTE AND COMMENT!! I hope you enjoy the story.
          2) I'm not sure whether or not I will continue with Peter and Sunny.... :| I'm still not sure where I should go with it. I will make up my mind about it ASAP!
          3) I PROMISE I WILL WILL WILL WILL UPDATE A TWIST IN THE TALE AS SOON AS MY COMPUTER DECIDES TO STOP BEING A POOP. I have the next few chapters saved on my computer and I am having trouble trying to put them onto my iPad (which - unlike my computer - ACTUALLY WORKS) so I can post them on Wattpad. I'll see when I can fix it, hopefully soon.
          3) Anyone got any ideas about what anime I should watch? I'm not sure which anime will be good and which is... Meh. I currently watch Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note and SAO. PLZ DM ME THE SECOND YOU CAN THINK OF AN AWESOME ANIME AND YOU WILL BE MY MOST AWESOME STRANGER-FRIEND-IDK EVER!!! Lol, sorry, got off track there.
          4) HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY! :)
          From Tuna! xox


Hi everyone!
          I'm not quite sure whether or not I should continue my story 'Peter and Sunny' or not. :/ If anyone has any ideas on what they think I should do, please feel free to dm me! (And OBVIOUSLY I will mention you in the story if you can help me
          Thanks everyone, please remember to continue voting, reading and commenting!
          From Tuna XD


@jeffballz101 Thank you sooooooo much!! Your approval of my work makes me so happy, I love you so much!! <3


            I am a HUGE fan of your work. I think it is absolutely amazing. I never knew how you managed to make your writing standards so author like! I wish to one-day write like u!


Yo peeps!
          Thank you ALL for being so patient with my tardiness in updating... I'll try to do it more regularly! Thank you everyone for following me, it means a lot to me :) 
          I have updated one chapter for A Twist in The Tale, so please read, comment and vote! I meant to update another chapter as well, but my laptop was being a poop and it wouldn't let me copy and paste the chapter from a word doc. I'll try and fix that ASAP!
          Also, I posted the first chapter for Our Journey of A Thousand Miles! Please read, comment, vote and make sure to tell me what you think of the story!
          From Tuna! :P :)


Hey everyone!
          I know I haven't posted any updates in my stories
          For quite a while.... I'M SORRYYYYYYYY!!! *kneels
          On the ground begging y'all for forgiveness!* I have had all my major half-yearly exams and am getting my report card TODAY!! I. Am. Terrified. I'm typically a Grade-A student.. But my paranoia is making me... Well, PARANOID! Anyways, back to what I was saying about updates... We have a two week break from school starting... TOMORROW!! *dancing with joy*
          Oh yeah... I just remembered that this school thing might sound weird to you all cuz I live in 'straya mate! :P Oh no I also just remembered that my school has an awards assembly this morning... *GASPS IN HORROR FROM MY HIDEOUSLY BAD HAIR DAY* I have been told that I am getting an award, I at least HOPE it will be a good award XD. SO TO REITERATE, GRACIAS MERCI XIE XIE ARIGATOO
          Oh, and thank you for reading this ridiculously long post... 
          In the words of Ryan Higa - TEEHEE!