
aaahhh! it’s been so long hi everyone I’m sorry for being away for so long p(´⌒`。q)


hi everyone! this is the author here! i know it's been awhile, but i was informed that some people have been concerned about my wellbeing. i am doing fine! my bio does not mean anything serious, i made it with the intent of saying that i will no longer be active on here. sorry if i made it seem like something else! i promise that i'm fine and i apologize for not giving any notice that i will no longer be active for the time being.  i appreciate you all for your concerns! thank you :)
          tldr; i am doing fine and well! thank you for all your concerns <3


You haven't updated in an extremely long time. That wouldn't worry me, but your bio... please send us a sign that you are ok. I dont know you, and I cant say I feel connected to you, because I dont, but that doesn't mean I don't care about your life. I really hope you are ok.