
*    ceebee chat i’m locking in


my      brother      is      a     skxawng .     do    not     let     him     get    to     you    ,    je’tani    .  


@warriorist     (  . . .  )       [         her     ears    flattened     slightly     at his    words ,    which she      knew to    be    true .    her    gaze briefly        flickered     to the sand     beneath her feet    ,    before rising      again to meet his     eyes .      ]               ngaytxoa   (      I    am    sorry       )     .      what   ao’nung     did     was    . . .     it    was     reckless    ,     and     stupid .         he    will     be       punished     for    what     happened .      [        she    loved     her     brother     dearly     ,      even     if     he     was     a     jerk    ,     but    not even     she could     defend     him    this time .     he    crossed a line .        ]         it    will    not    happen      again .     pänu    (     I   promise .    ) 


 ♱̼ .    @oceansnavia    ,       [  truth be told, he was far from angry when it came to himself,  he was older— more mature and liked to think of himself as more wise than both lo’ak and neteyam.  that is why he ignored the crude jest ao'nung would make..   but there were times when it went to far, much like this,    he lowers his ears,      and the flesh upon the bridge of his nose wrinkles in anger ]        lo’ak could have died. 