
Erm, hi? It’s been some time lmfao. Do you still want me to write and continue my books? My grammar and ideas are a lot better now I swear 


@twitchdude13 who wouldnt?! Your stories are amazing!!


So, I've had some thought and no, I will not be deleting this account. I wanted to delete this account because I was under a lot of stress and pressure and I also thought no one liked my books but recently I've realised that some of you guys do and that means the world to me. Thank you all for reading my books, I appreciate it A LOT! Anyway, I will be continuing my book 'I will always love you (H20vanoss)' but this time, I won't take as long to update it. Thank you all for reading and HAPPY JULY 4TH!!!! HAVE AN AMAZING DAY GUYS!!!!!


Hope and positivity are the only things you need to keep yourself going. You need to be positive because if your aren't, then you'll be negative and won't believe in yourself. You need hope to believe that everything will be okay in the end.