
Hello Followers,
          	I would usually post a chapter of Hello Yellow on Thursdays, but due to a minor complication in my scheduling, I'm moving the new chapter's release to Sunday. Today, I'll post something new to make up for it so yeah.
          	Thank you for following me and please ask your friends to read A I R. It would mean the world to me.


Hello Followers,
          I would usually post a chapter of Hello Yellow on Thursdays, but due to a minor complication in my scheduling, I'm moving the new chapter's release to Sunday. Today, I'll post something new to make up for it so yeah.
          Thank you for following me and please ask your friends to read A I R. It would mean the world to me.


I'm back! i have posted two new books. "A I R" is a short story that is already completed and is just one chapter. Please read it and share it and give it some love. Hello Yellow is my new book that I will be updating weekly. I am not updating Hello Yellow this week, however, because I just published "A I R".  Please PLEASE share these two I really need it.