
          	Not that anyone reads my rants but I'm almost done with the first page of the story. Almost 400 words. Yay! 
          	Writing really humbles your perfectionist trait huh? 


@ undercover_dolphin  that's great. I also want to write a book, but it's so hard to start it, especially because I don't have a real plan, just ideas. But good luck with your book!


          Not that anyone reads my rants but I'm almost done with the first page of the story. Almost 400 words. Yay! 
          Writing really humbles your perfectionist trait huh? 


@ undercover_dolphin  that's great. I also want to write a book, but it's so hard to start it, especially because I don't have a real plan, just ideas. But good luck with your book!


So I've been planning for a really long time to write a story. Not just a one-shot but with chapters and all. I always had this idea of a forbidden romance during the great war. So now I decided to start writing it. It's not a gonna be easy, it's gonna be a long long journey until I get it done. But I'm determined. I love war stories, they are so intriguing to me and I'm searching A LOT of info for the story. I've been doing research for 4 days now and writing down roughly what I want to to happen in each chapter. It's also very difficult when English is not your first language and you want to write the story in English. I'm so excited about it and really invested. I've got the title, I've got the characters' roles (soldier louis, combat medic harry), I've 163 words and it just took me an hour to decide the perfect words to start the next paragraph. Apart from endings (which I always struggle to write because I don't want to let go of the story and I want it to be good and worthy of the rest of the read), I think it takes up the most time to write the beggining/first chapter. Cause you want to get people hooked, give the reader the info they'll need without being annoyingly descriptive and at the same persuade them to keep reading. You don't want to be vague or confusing, but captivating and interesting. So as the perfectionist I am, I'm gonna take my time with the first chapter until I'm proud of it. But I'll keep adding to my notes random dialogues meant for chapter 6. 
          xxx - Del


Do you guys believe in love at first sight? 
          That question is totally awkward random but I just got into a kind of a fight with my mum. It was mostly my fault, I'm just too proud to apologise. I just snap at her for no reason sometimes, maybe cause I'm in a bad mood or angry with myself. Anyway, I think maybe I have anger issues o something and it affects people around me. I always think about it after and how I don't want to be like that but then it happens again. It's as if I can't help reactinf that way


Here crying in bed cause I might have carpal tunnel syndrome for crocheting too much. I don't want to even tell my momcause shetold me this would happen. I'm an idiot and  i hate myself rn


@ undercover_dolphin  that's great!! 


@gjvggcfdgbj thank you so much! I told her that my hands are hurting and I got an appointment with the doctor next friday. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and I can get over this. Thank you for being there 


@ undercover_dolphin  hey, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes (besides it's great how passionate you are about your hobby) but i think you should tell your mom, so you can find a way to deal with it. And it's healable, so don't worry. Next time just don't overdo the crochet. Get well soon!


So I'm turning 23 and I'm feeling miserable. I always love to celebrate. Bit this year I just feel so empty, and like my life is slipping out of my fingers. I don't feel 23 and I don't want to keep growing cause I'm missing out of so much stuff but I also don't know how everyone is doing what they are supposed to at their age. I hate that I haven't accomplished anything.This is gonna be a shitty day for sure


So this is the thing: at the beggining of 2017 a new boy entered my school and I literally fell in love at first sight. He was gorgeous and half the people in my class were drooling over him. My friends obviously knew that I really liked him. A few months passed by and the excitement died down for everyone except me, and he became part of my group of friends. Each month I fell more in love with him because of his personality. I stared at him constantly and tried to find any excuse to touch his arm or his hair. Anyways it was clear he didn't like me. He like pretty grils and I'm not one, I'm just a friend. And wasn't being oblivious, I can see where I'm not wanted. But still I ended up doing some embarrassing things in front of him and that was a turn in our friendship cause I'm sure he realized I was obsessed with him. By the end of that year I told my friends I was over him cause he was just our dear friend. But the truth is I never stopped loving him. We kept being friends and I let him go a little bit since 2021, like I don't think about him often or I'm not deeply in love with him like before. I think it helps that we are older and  busier and we don't see each other much. But I will always have a soft spot for him cause he was my first love. 


@undercover_dolphin perfecto dellll, yo tampoco
            conozco argentina pero espero algún día ir!! igual muchas gracias y cualquier cosa aquí estoy ❤️❗️


@JugoDeManzanaEnCaja claro tal cual. Yo soy de Argentinaa. No conozco Mexico pero me encantaria! Latinos supremacy  
            Also cualquier cosa que quieras hablar, yo estoy disponible siempre porque la verdad que mucha vida social no tengo y me encanta hablar y descargarme y vos podes hacer lo mismo conmigo Me podes decir Del 


@undercover_dolphin JAJAJAJJAJA no sabia que hablabas español  soy de Mexico miamor y tu ???


Does anyone else feels like you are doing everything wrong? Like you can't catch a break 


@undercover_dolphin even with the smallest things. For example, I spent half an hour deciding what picture of my friend to post, only for her to tell me that she is not gonna repost it cause she looks ugly. And I think she looks so cute! Like... she reposts all the other pictures that my friends took (it's her birthday) but not mine. What am I even doing wrong? 


I was just thinking about the boy I was in love with for so long (5 years) and now I want to love someone again. But let ir be requited cause I'm not sure I can stand to love someone for years on end again just for them not to be interested in me in the slightlest