
is anyone able to read orenda? i can’t tell if it is just an issue on my side or if it is unavailable for everyone. hope everyone is having a great day!


is anyone able to read orenda? i can’t tell if it is just an issue on my side or if it is unavailable for everyone. hope everyone is having a great day!


Ok so i have an idea for all of your OC’s. so you know how the OC’s follow the same story as Rick Riordan’s characters. I was thinking you could put the Rick characters plus your OC’s all in one big long book where they go on a big quest with each other. It would be so cool to see Leo and Kira crack jokes with Conner and Ellie and Jason and Piper and Annabeth and Percy and Hazel and Frank all in the same story. you don’t have to take my suggestion ofc they’re your characters but i was thinking that would be so cool and a way to tie in all of your OC’s together. btw I love your writing. 


thats a cool idea! i’m not sure i have the time to do something like that, but i will keep it in mind!! thank you!


i love ur story so much!! perhaps are u filipino? i saw in one of your chapters u used peso, which is a currency in the ph. if ur not filo, my mistakes sorry. btw, may i ask who your godly parent is? LOVE UR STORIES A LOT <33


i’m not, i’m not sure which chapter i did!! my godly parent is demeter! thank you so much for the support <3


thank you everyone for the overwhelming support that i have gotten this year. i read every single comment you guys post. i would like to say that i am so grateful for all of you readers and supporters, you all mean the world to me. i hope everyone has a great thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and stay safe!!


Happy thanksgiving!


happy thanksgiving!


i have no idea how this update thing works but since i just finished orenda, let me know your favorite quote, scene or interaction in the book! it can be sad, happy or steamy! i think my personal favorite is when leo tells kira that her future is “us” after she returns for tartarus!!


I just finished this story and i cried at the end. It’s so wholesome but also so sad


when leo was building the Argo II and they had their date day!!! it was so cute!