
i'm going to write other story's because i have fallen out of the countryhuman comunatie. sorry.


Little do you know,
          The brightest smiles hide the deepest secrets
          The most gorgeous eyes have cried the most tears
          The wisest people have felt the most pain
          The bravest people have the darkest past
          The "perfect" people are made of the most insecurities and flaws
          The most loving people have seen the most deaths
          The kindest people are the most lonely
          That underneath all those of perfect features lies a locked hole of flaws, insecurities, darkness, mistakes, fears, tears, memories... just because they are scared that someone might open their hole of suffering...


life is beautiful and you only get one chance to make it a good one. Of course their are ups and downs but remember your not alone your family, friends and lovers all love you. no mater what you are beautiful no matter what gender and sexuality. just always love yourself and keep your friends close. even the people that hate you do think about you in some way. you don't have to change. just be your self.