
Maybe this Virus thing will help me actually be productive again? Tip to followers: adulting sucks, 1/10 would not recommend. 


I found you! I read your story on Archive of our own called Eddie the Ripper and it is so amazing!!! My friend got me into EddiexWaylon fanfics and your story is so good! 


            Mm, I'm reading 'Just An Act'. I love reading stories about my bride and I. 


@unluckeys Your very welcome! 


@Bipperlove666 ahh you found me! Thank you for such sweet words! I really like that one because I'm a big history fan so that is like history+EDDIE, haha. Here there is a lot of everything. Yet not so much updated since, well, Eddie has consumed my life haha. Anyway, thank you very much ! ♡♡♡


Hello! I really love your stories! Especially "A Change of Heart". It's one of my favourites! I realised you haven't really been updating for a long while, and I was a little afraid to send you a message because I didn't really want to be like those people who pester authors for updates. I've been waiting for about 2 years now and I've finally muster up the courage to ask you this- could you update please? I would really love to see the end of this beautiful story. I know you might be busy and I understand if you aren't able to continue the story. I wouldn't blame you, because you don't have all the time in the world to finish a story just for a stranger. But I would like to thank you for starting such a lovely story, and thank you for reading this far into my awfully long message. I hope I wasn't a bother. I really love your work, have a nice day! :)
          -Qistina ♡


Hey! I just read the story. I loved it so much. Thank you for finishing this for me, I'm really grateful. You made my day!  Bless you, you fantastic human being you! Don't stop making people happy with your wonderful stories, I hope something makes your day today too!


Thank you so much, I really really appreciate it. I really do. I'm so happy that you'd do it for me! I hope you find motivation in everything you do! Thank you so so much gaahhhhh ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ you deserve a billion heart shapes. I hope you find inspiration for your work, and the motivation to continue your beautiful stories!


@We_are_all_crazy I actually have two chapters written up, back in 2014. Thank you for encouraging me to check up on that! <3


I finally found you here on Wattpad!!! Hurrah!!!! I'm so inlove with your Waylon park x Eddie Gluskin fanfic!!!! ♥♥♥


@Geniebagayana thank you I'm glad you like that one and decided to look me up here! I don't post weddie here, this is just original stuff haha. Thanks again, for the compliment <3


Hi Lydie, thanks for following, and for voting for Gothic Romance! :)


@elveloy no, more like thank you- exactly what I needed, the perfect about of length and content I liked, to get me out of this writing slump! I wish you a good day! :3


I'm really liking your story 'A little spark' I'm finding it very enjoyable to read!


@Anime_Insane No problem! I can't wait for an update :D


@Anime_Insane Thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying it! ♡♡♡