
Finally requests are closed!! Thank you those who have requested!! 


thank you for the follow!! dosjsksbjsjs


NEEEIGE :hellmo:
            i need more RSA lore *sobs


@xxunrxvelingxx It's no problem!!! I LOVE YOUR PFP, NEIGE GJJZJJABAHAJNQ *chef's kiss"


Hey there ppl, Mew here! So, it's alright if you wanna ignore this but it's kinda important so listen up.
          With all the requests I have gotten, it's always been single worded like "This character x reader" and not much brain rot. Though I am not saying that it's bad, but I wanted a little more input from the readers about what they want to read. 
          So I am opening up requests again, for only 3 slots since I am writing on an irregular basis because of various reasons. Please provide with some brain rot over the x readers which you want me to write!! 


And thank you all for the comments, even though I don't answer from fear of hurting others from my words but pls know this that you all brighten up my day like no other  
          And I'll be mindful of replying to comments the next time I post something.