
ugh I’m cringed out by my old writing lol mixing past and present tense bro why were there so many reads
          	but also, Frat Boy is getting attention again and, personally, I love that for her


I have been mulling over this for a couple weeks, but I decided to discontinue Routines in the Night.
          The storyline for it, I feel like I dragged things out and I definitely should have taken more time working on it before beginning to publish it, that's 100% on me, and I've been way more focused on other stories, that I simply lost interest, sadly...I will be leaving the current chapters up; I just will no longer be updating it. 
          Thank you for the love shown on it as well as Dirty Laundry! I love all the comments and everyone's support!!
          love yaaa <3


I may take a small break from writing
          My mental health has gone downhill extremely this past week and I have no motivation to do hardly anything
          I’ll be back tho, I promise I gotta get my life together or at least back to where I was 2 weeks ago lol
          Love ya <3


love you! you are loved and cared about! take care of your mental health! stay alive! 


Chapter 19 for Glowing 7s was supposed to be out today but I fell asleep finishing it last night. Hopefully after work if I’m not too tired, I can finish it and get it out later tonight.
          It’s cuuutttee and a little bit kissy


@unopened-windows Bro i kompletely forgot whatthat was and stared tat this for five mins straighy..