
/    yknow what just cb :|


i thought i told you not to do that :|


@-sugamamma ,,, the raven haired male glanced up at the male who was towering him in a motherly stance.   he rolled his eyes,   taking a huff from his blunt before puffing it upwards to the other,   using the same excuse all over again,   " its my coping mechanism,   plus you're not my mom. "


    huh -  oh my bad didn't mean to
              bump into you like that


@hiisace ,,, ⎯out of instinct,   the younger male would immediately crush the cigarette between his fingers before hiding it behind his back;   his free hand waving around,   " oh no don't worry it's fine! " he chuckled, " i wasn't really watching where i was going so its not your fault. "


      you paint your nails ? . . thats actually pretty cute on you ! wait are those chains ?


@idolisms ,,, ⎯the male would take a step back from the sudden questions that came his way,   animatedly,   a small question mark popped up from his head before answering her,   " uh—   oh,   yeah i paint my nails—   i—   yeah these are chains.   real one actually,   heh— "


@nervousenby ,,, ⎯the raven haired male snapped his head towards where the voice had came from,   sighing in relief since he had finally seen someone that could be helpful,   " im trying to find the gym, " he began,   waving around his phone showing a conversation between him and another person that had just recently sent a text about asking where the second year was at,   " i got invited to watch a volleyball practice match by a friend. "


kouki was sitting in his bedroom with hiroma they were smoking while talking 


@SHYSKATERVIBESS ,,, ⎯hiroma pulled back the blunt after taking a huff,   his dull eyes narrowing as he waved around the cig.   deep in thought,   he took a few seconds to form his sentence before speaking up,   " if you could legally murder /ten/ people,   who would it be and why? "