
Ello, guys! Can you check out "I Remember" and spread the word? You don't have to mention the book! I know it's a lot to ask, but here me out. The points I prove in this three chapter short story (I guess that's what it is) I feel are highly important. You don't have to, but it'd be appreciated. Even if you don't mention the book name, just talk about these important messages.
          	Thank you and you're welcome
          	~username4hire *insert peace sign emoji*


Ello, guys! Can you check out "I Remember" and spread the word? You don't have to mention the book! I know it's a lot to ask, but here me out. The points I prove in this three chapter short story (I guess that's what it is) I feel are highly important. You don't have to, but it'd be appreciated. Even if you don't mention the book name, just talk about these important messages.
          Thank you and you're welcome
          ~username4hire *insert peace sign emoji*