
danny ,  can  we  go  get  some  ice  cream ? 


*  she  hummed  at  the  kiss  and  then  began  to  pull  him  along  *   i’m  so  happy  you  said  yes —   i’ve  been  wanting  ice  cream  for  a  while  now . 


;   @diffidentkitty 
            *  he grinned , placing a small kiss atop her head . “ well princess ! off we go ! “


yay !   *  the  petite  girl  grins ,  latching  onto  her  boyfriends  arm  *   


[ i love your account(s) sksksksksksk - ]
          something that had never happened was james reynolds ever talking to someone whom he wouldn’t gain benefits from. but, here he was, standing in front of the one and only john adams seeing his curiosity to see the man grew every time his ‘friend’ complained about him. “mhm. i was expecting someone a bit taller to try and fit into washington’s shadow more comfortably.” the remark was made into a mutter, yet still audible as he wanted to see what reaction it could cause. it was a simple jab at height that he had seemed to poke at everyone he’s met- yet, of course, that exactly insult. the man’s dark eyes were  with outlined with the same curiosity that dragged him here- but like most emotions that lingered on his expression- it was faded and simply barely noticeable. his lips were curled faintly to a slight smirk.


[ @stubbornthings ofc]
            “i wouldn’t exactly go on calling washington a ‘barbarian’ as you seem rather savage yourself.” james stated cooly, the only hint of emotion lingering in his smooth tone was to be hard to describe- a slight annoyance or maybe just something else. his dark brown eyes examine over the short man, a small and soft hum escaping his lips as well. he kept his composure simple and calm as he sighed softly- the brown hat lingering upon his head twitching slightly with every small movement he made. he cleared his throat, not exactly one for introductions- yet he forced the words out of his mouth. “the name’s james reynolds.” he paused, his smirk growing proudly as he added a simple, “as in /the/ james reynolds from the pamphlet.” yes, it was nothing to brag about to have blackmailed someone, yet he was still awfully proud of himself. “it’s a pleasure to be in your presence, sir.” he added, his words holding a genuine gleam to them.