
A piece of apple pie is stuck to my shirt and I'm too lazy to flick it off of me. 


Why do I find this adorable?


For my thoughts have been lonely as I try to make up a conversation we would be having about cute kittens, musicals and the sound of the rain pitter pattering on the roof above us, but it's not going so well because I'm really just talking to myself and not you, my sweet angel prince, I miss you. ♡ 


My angel, valerian jewel you've crossed my mind today when I heard a small meow coming from my phone this morning as I scrolled through my Tumblr... It was beautiful and it made me miss you as I did yesterday and the days before. 
          When you're not on, my heart grows soft with a kind of longing... 
          For the moments when you message my heart and my soul grows fonder of you. 
          I'm glad to call you my friend and my little angel, someone I can trust to protect me. Thank you, for being here for me. ♡ 