
i’m in the middle of dinner with my family and in the middle of the restaurant 50 cent candy shop starts playing (if ya know you know✨✨)


Okay so I lied the last time I wasn’t ready to come back but I think I am now soooo..
          I’m back bitchess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


OMG I love the pfp and background. The bg is amazayn and I love it soooo much! Have u been to any of lou's concerts? 


omg thank you!! noo unfortunately not yet but maybe in the future I definitely will be (:


ok random but is it possible to fall in love with a music video cause a) as it was Obvs and b) just when i thought i couldn't be gayer Dove posts the MV to boyfriend KDBDJWJ


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
after listening to it about 500 times, I can confirm that is was is a fucking masterpiece 


@larrylover120607 will do cause my really annoying friend is forever going on about how annoying my obsession with 1D and their solo careers are 


@vas_happeningg28 Feel free to refer me if you need another confirmation 


Heyy friends! I've never really done a message so this is weird haha, but I need smoke advise from people I dont know (so ye storytime so you can skip if ya want), so I (14yrs) am on Insta and this random person (looks very old) wont stop messaging me and asking me to be his sUgArBaBY so I ask one of my friends what I should do and she said I should 'go for it' but idk yall this man is creepy asf like I blocked him when the stress got to much and BUT HE MESSAGED ME ON ANOTHER ACCOUNT and ye I'm kinda scared so what to yall think I should do?


@OliviaMadison00 ok fanks bestie I'll try that, ive already blocked him and all his accounts and reported him :) 