
Ya'll should go follow { @C-CHAOS-_COLLAB } :) It has me as { Kiera } and { @hutaoqsx } as { Caoimhe }. We're planning some really cool collabs together :)


ughh midnight feels >.>


this message may be offensive
@C-CHAOS-_COLLAB darling, you motherfucking angel, i'm doing a mix between crying and laughing and it's YOUR FAULT. you're so damn sweet i'm getting cavities, what the hell :( 
          	  love you too, darling, and remember: you're beautiful, you're loved, and whatever the hell carly and cooper said to you, they're so fucking wrong. you're one of the nicest people i know and i'm glad to call you my friend and to get to cry and spend my days with you <3
          	  - caoimhe


@pastelqs love you too kiera <3 
          	  - caoimhe


Ya'll should go follow { @C-CHAOS-_COLLAB } :) It has me as { Kiera } and { @hutaoqsx } as { Caoimhe }. We're planning some really cool collabs together :)


ughh midnight feels >.>


this message may be offensive
@C-CHAOS-_COLLAB darling, you motherfucking angel, i'm doing a mix between crying and laughing and it's YOUR FAULT. you're so damn sweet i'm getting cavities, what the hell :( 
            love you too, darling, and remember: you're beautiful, you're loved, and whatever the hell carly and cooper said to you, they're so fucking wrong. you're one of the nicest people i know and i'm glad to call you my friend and to get to cry and spend my days with you <3
            - caoimhe


@pastelqs love you too kiera <3 
            - caoimhe


It's been a wild day for my friend (aka the previous account owner, Akari). Not only did their stepmother go out of town for training, but a series of other things happened today as well. 
          One.) They accidentally stepped on someone in English today while we were acting out 'Romeo&Juliet', and it wasn't even their fault. The boy moved from his laying position while Kari was CLEARLY trying to walk up the isle in between the desks.
          Two.) In forth hour astronomy, Kari bent down to pick up a chocolate wrapper and throw it away and the boys closest to them were staring so they hid in the closet for an entire hour. 
          Three.) A classmate brought up the mother Akari doesn't even have three minutes ago and said "I bet your mother doesn't even love you", and Akari broke down crying, because her biological mother DOESN'T love you. 
          Poor Akari's having a rough week. Anyways, byebye <3 :)
          [Tagged: @hutaoqsx]


Hihi! So -- username/bio change is because the previous owner of this account, 'Akari', has relocated and left me in charge of this account. Akari's new account can be found under the name hutaoqsx :)
          Akari has asked me to alert you that almost all of her currently published/drafted books here aren't going to be transferred over to her new account. In fact, Akari says the only four being transfered are 'Home', 'Finding Home; Dadnoblade', 'Forever', and 'If I Love You Was A Promise'. 
          Both Akari and I realize only 'Home' and 'Forever' are curently published, and a lot of Akari's ideas are unpublished. However, you won't be losing the stories altogether - Akari has asked me to continue the ones that she cannot.