
I’m back betches


Hello! My name is Angela. I've been writing a book you might like 
          :      |
          ✒: valeriacap1306 (Wattpad).
          : Science Fiction.
          You would help me a lot by reading it, giving it a star, commenting, and sharing it with your friends and/or family.
          I'm starting as a writer, and you could help me 
          Atte: A little writer.


I’d love to read and share it! Thank you for reaching out!


Hi everyone, 
          I wanted to post really quick about some "critiques" I got recently. Some commenters across platforms have been saying I write too OOC to enjoy, and its bad writing. I also got told "I just want praise" which isn't true. 
          Heres my response:
          I write OOC, and don't tag OOC, because most of my stories are AUs. I don't feel the need to bombard with tags when it's (a) very common in my writing, and (b) uanessacry to tag every single OOC thing. If this is a criticism that someone has, and it's valid in its source and can help my writing, I'll of course take that feedback. If it's a comment that is meant to tear my writing down, I will delete the comment and possibly even block you. Being harassed for writing OOC is ridiculous, and people leave writing for less. 
          To anyone that has critique or criticism, always feel free to comment if it's something I can actually fix. I welcome that. I just don't welcome criticism that is not fixable, because that isn't CC, that's being rude. 
          I don't need every single comment to be praise, I just expect kindness on my page, and if defending myself makes me the villain then so be it. Too many FF writers quit due to things like this because we feel as if we either have to ignore the hate, or can't defend ourselves. 
          90% of you are so supportive and I am so thankful for that. For sticking with me and my writing, and my crappy schedule. It means the world. Thank you from the bottom of my shriveled, Slytherin heart.
          xx, Venus


@ venusandromedadjarin  bvfon