
So recently, I decided to delete all of my stories only because I couldn't focus on my stories because of school and extracurricular activities but I will be releasing more stories, better stories. 


For those who actually read my books: 
          The reason why it's taking me forever to update my books is because my writing is getting a tad bit better, just a little tiny bit but my chapters are longer and more descriptive, so it takes longer


@gettoffgeorge I'm glad to hear that.  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next   ;)


For " Rave Un2 The Joy Of A Child " I update daily or every other day. Please tell me if it's annoying you or not.


@wreka_stow I can't wait for it. Thank you so much. Girl... you haven't even seen the worse of it all yet... just wait until Jasmine gets older... 


@gettoffgeorge Thank U! One day I'm gonna be able to update more often... dreaming of Summer!!! I love Joy of a Child, P with children is always... awww. Plus Mom is a hot damn mess. There is so much drama brewing, can't wait to see what happens. 


@wreka_stow oh okay.. thanks. I love your stories btw 


The next chapter of " Rave Un2 The Joy Of A Child. " will be a lot longer than what the first two chapters were. I don't really know how to write that well. I'm learning slowly though. I'm hoping to make progress soon ;) 
          Thanks for everybody who had read, voted and commented on my book :). Thank you. 
          - love everybody, always. 


this message may be offensive
I have 239 followers but nobody reads my shit! lol k 


@xCampanillax lol it's fine yeah me too, it's kind of war with myself to update but we do it because we love writing 


I read your story Poèsie;  I'm a bit of a lurker so I tend to forget about voting and commenting! Sorry!
            But trust me I understand that's why I'm uncertain about updating! Lol :)