
Thank you for all the kind messages! It really melts my heart as an author to see people interacting with and enjoying my work. I've been traveling through Europe lately, writing a book I hope to publish through an agency, and doing school in a foreign country all at the same time! Needless to say, I've been so so busy. I hope to return to my novels here again soon, but it might be a while. Love you all!


Thank you for all the kind messages! It really melts my heart as an author to see people interacting with and enjoying my work. I've been traveling through Europe lately, writing a book I hope to publish through an agency, and doing school in a foreign country all at the same time! Needless to say, I've been so so busy. I hope to return to my novels here again soon, but it might be a while. Love you all!


I just wanted to say that your books are so good. Typically, I really enjoy romances but never find anything that fits my tastes and type but your books do so perfectly! Thank you for that! 


@blueeyedprincess18 I'm so happy my books give you what you're looking for!!  Thank you for the support ❤️


your way of writing is so good i get so happy to see well written books in wattpad that would improve our vocab rather than just a shallow romance books written badly for the sake of filling the empty void in us


@prettypinkdoll  so glad you like my books! means so much <333