
Just posted my new book, "Elegantly Wasted"! Please do check it out (: xx


To all my readers, 
          I am aware by now that I haven't updated for over a month now. I've received much hate lately and am doubting my own writing. It'll take me time to settle down and make my decision on whether I should continue to pursue the writing I want to, or not. Please bare with me, I'm stuck in between hard situations right now. Please keep smiling babes! xx, Iz. 


@veryzaynn please continue writing and I really LOVED your story and @JadeVMorgenstern is right don't let anybody get to you


@veryzaynn Dont let em get to you,besides their only jealous ❤


Oh my god (crying) who could hate on you?! You and your writing are absolutely perfect ❤️ please don't let the haters get to you. I believe in you, and please don't give up writing cuz you're just so good and it'd be such a shame of you gave up such a talent because of what some unkind people say. 
            But take your time with the next chapter ❤️ I'll be waiting ❤️❤️❤️