
Hi there. I really just want to thank God for using you to speak to me. Few months ago, i was praying to God about my future husband and after a few more weeks, i began to like this new drummer boy in the youth Ministry at my church. I was really nervous, so by faith, i took a step of making friends with him and soon after we having a very good friendship.  I could feel there were some chemistry between us. I was praying to God asking Him if this is the one He has for me.
          I messaged him through messenger and that's when he, himself, told me the truth about him. That's when I know that he did not have the Love of Christ in his heart. He does not love the One whom I love the most and that is Jesus Christ. That's when God told me that He will only give me a man who loves Him more.
          So today reading your book on "God's qoutes," I was really thankful and greatful to God that the confirmation of what He said to me few days ago was in the "The Letter." 
          Thank you so much...❤


@raciri  all Glory belongs to God  ^_^