
Wazzup my pals, ganna be adding several short stories bc season 4 is LIT 


I've been so slack on here and i have no real excuse. I'm just so busy tbh, season 4 is coming along nicely! Along with my short stories. I've been writing when I feel it come on and fallen is slowly coming back to me. It's just hard to get into the write mind set. 


It's been 2 months since I updated and I'm really sorry, but life is a bit iffy at the moment. I'll be putting out a new Fallen chapter as soon as I have motivation and then continue on my season 4 take. I'm almost done with chapter 2, so I haven't completely left you guys with nothing. It'll be worth it. :)


I'm going to be putting my Justin fanfic on hold. I'll be updating Fallen and starting a new fanfiction - probably not the best as I already have 2 but it'll be a Clexa fanfic. Thanks to @/clexamyreligion on Insta it'll be revolving around Lexa and Clarke growing up together and all that good stuff. Get ready my fellow beans. Also have a new short story in wring right now for you all❤️