
holy moly i have not been here in YEARS


Hey! Just wanted to let u know that u are beautiful, and kind, and u deserve so sooo much better than everything ur going through. U dunno how proud of u I am ur so strong, going through all that and still keeping ur head high through another day. Take all the time u need and please pleaseeee don’t ever feel pressured to do anything at all. U deserve all the good that this life has to offer. U are blessed, u are loved, u are worth it, and u are valued. U value so sooo much more than u let urself see urself as. Ik what it’s like to go through self-harm, but ur so much braver than I am by asking for professional help. I’m extremely proud of u and hope and wish but nothing but the best for u on ur journey to recovery. Ur special and don’t let anything or anyone bring u down. Love ya and am here to support u. <3
          ~ Amy</3


I genuinely meant everything I said. Take all the time u need because u deserve it. We and ur stories will all still be here for when u come back. We aren’t going anywhere. Take care <3


heyo <3
          me and my boyfriend recently broke up and i’ve been doing a whole lot of self harm. i’m seeing a therapist atm and my grandpa died as well, so i’m sorry for the lack of updates! i’ve been trying to write as much as i feel like i can. 
          you guys are awesome and if any of you are experiencing what i have been experiencing, please tell someone- preferably a trusted adult, a counselor/psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist/etc. i’ve called/texted a few hotlines myself and you can also call those as well. i’ll try to get some links for y’all- it also helps to search for them online.  


hey don’t stress yourself out, focus on your self and your goals<3 we’re all here supporting you through out anything. you deserve the world i hope you take carr<3333


@vinnieley Omg angle I'm so sorry! Please don't self harm, I know it's hard but it isn't worth it, but you know what is. . . you! You are worth the world!
            Take all the time you need, your mental health should always come first no matter what.


@vinnieley im really sorry for that i hope you feel beter soon, this hurt is just temporary and soon itll be just a goner take you time as always and much love <3